Athletic Council full roster log

Displaying all roster membership records with a start date before the last time this report was generated: July 2, 2024, 9:28 pm MDT


Morgan M. Nelson


student: asunmFebruary 1, 2024

Isabella Campbell

student: undergraduate athleteFebruary 1, 2024July 1, 2024

Hongyoung Kim

Graduate Student Representative

student: graduateAugust 28, 2023July 1, 2024

Hongyoung Kim

Graduate Student Representative

student: graduateAugust 21, 2023May 31, 2023

Hongyoung Kim

Graduate Student Representative

student: graduateAugust 21, 2023May 31, 2023

Gena Garcia

Administrative Coordinator
Office of the University Secretary

support staff: office of the secretaryJuly 1, 2023

Jessica Bennett

student: undergraduateJuly 1, 2023February 1, 2024

Alexander Adams

student: undergraduateJuly 1, 2023July 1, 2024

Todd Quinn

Business & Economics Librarian: University Libraries
Associate Professor: CULLS

faculty: tenured facultyJuly 1, 2023July 1, 2026

Gina Voelker Bobrowski

Associate Professor
Art Art History

faculty: tenured facultyJuly 1, 2023July 1, 2026

Douglas Thomas

Professor: ASM Department of Management
EMBA: ASM Administration

chair: July 1, 2023 to July 1, 2025
faculty: tenured facultyJuly 1, 2023July 1, 2026

Adriana Gabaldon

Undergraduate Student Representative

student: undergraduateNovember 30, 2022July 1, 2023

Hongyoung Kim

Graduate Student Representative

student: graduateSeptember 26, 2022July 1, 2023

Belinda Wallace

Associate Professor
English Department

faculty: facultySeptember 23, 2022July 1, 2023

Richard File-Muriel

Section Leader: Hispanic Linguistics
Associate Professor: Spanish Portuguese

faculty: tenured facultySeptember 23, 2022August 29, 2023

Monica S Cyrino

Chairperson-Languages Cultures & Literatures

faculty: tenured facultySeptember 23, 2022July 1, 2025

Ann Gibson

Professor: Health, Exercise & Sport Sciences

faculty: tenured facultySeptember 23, 2022July 1, 2025

Amy Beggin

Sports Compliance Coordinator
Athletics Manager

ex-officio: director of womens athleticsFebruary 10, 2022

Hongyoung Kim

Graduate Student Representative

student: graduateFebruary 8, 2022July 1, 2022

Raissa Regatta Eugenie Gavino

Student-Athlete Advisory Committee (SAAC) Representative

student: undergraduateOctober 18, 2021July 1, 2022

Eliza Rice

Student-Athlete Advisory Committee (SAAC) Representative

student: undergraduate athleteOctober 18, 2021July 1, 2022

Raissa Gaviono


student: undergraduateOctober 12, 2021July 1, 2021

Eliza Rice


student: undergraduate athleteOctober 12, 2021July 1, 2021

Diego Pena Parr


student: undergraduateOctober 12, 2021July 1, 2021

David Pena Parr

ASUNM Representative

student: undergraduateOctober 12, 2021July 1, 2022

Shelly McLaughlin

Asst Dean for Health Professions: School of Medicine
Senior Lecturer III: Emerg Med EMS Academy

faculty: facultyAugust 30, 2021July 1, 2024

Karen Gaudreault

Associate Professor
Health, Exercise, and Sports Sciences

ex-officio: faculty rep to ncaaAugust 18, 2021

Ryan Swanson

Chairperson: Honors College

chair: September 16, 2021 to July 1, 2022
chair: September 1, 2021 to May 31, 2023
faculty: tenured facultyJuly 1, 2021July 1, 2024

Michael Rocca

Director: Political Science

faculty: facultyJuly 1, 2021July 1, 2024

Lindsay Smart

Clinician Ed - Associate Professor
Psych Child Adolescent

faculty: facultyJuly 1, 2021July 1, 2024

Ross Sinclair

ASUNM, Anderson Schools of Management

student: undergraduate athleteJuly 1, 2020July 1, 2021

Jeongwon Choi

Teaching Assistant: Health Exercise & Sports Science
Graduate Programs

student: graduateJuly 1, 2020July 1, 2021

Brandi Fink

Assistant Professor
Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences

faculty: tenured facultyJuly 1, 2020February 7, 2022

Tamala Bos

Assosiate Professor
Psych Child Adolescent Division

faculty: tenured facultyJuly 1, 2020July 1, 2022

Matthew Borrego

Associate Professor

faculty: tenured facultyJuly 1, 2020July 1, 2022

Todd Seidler

Health, Exercise & Sport Sciences

faculty: tenured facultyJuly 1, 2020July 1, 2023

Karl Hinterbichler


faculty: tenured facultyJuly 1, 2020July 1, 2023

John Benavidez

Principal Lecturer II
ASM Mrkting Info Decision Sci MIDS

faculty: tenured facultyJuly 1, 2020July 1, 2023

Janet L Poole

Professor: Pediatrics Occupational Therapy

faculty: tenured facultyJuly 1, 2020July 1, 2024

Sara Nottingham

Associate Professor
Health Exercise & Sports Science

ex-officio: faculty rep to ncaaJanuary 1, 2020August 18, 2021

Ross Sinclair

ASUNM, Anderson Schools of Management

student: undergraduate athleteJuly 1, 2019July 1, 2020

Mark Lasota

Teaching Assistant
Health Exercise & Sports Science

student: graduateJuly 1, 2019July 1, 2020

Emma Spotts

ASUNM, University Studies

student: undergraduateJuly 1, 2019July 1, 2021

Monica Cyrino

Foreign Languages Literatures

faculty: facultyJuly 1, 2019July 1, 2022

Gregory Romero

ASUNM, Anderson School of Management

student: undergraduateFebruary 1, 2019July 1, 2021

Monica S Cyrino

Foreign Languages Literatures

faculty: facultyJuly 1, 2018July 1, 2019

Paulita L Aguilar

Associate Professor
University Libraries Admin Support

faculty: tenured facultyJuly 1, 2018December 3, 2019

Todd Seidler

Health, Exercise & Sport Sciences

faculty: tenured facultyJuly 1, 2018July 1, 2020

Raj Mahto

Assistant Professor
Anderson School of Management

faculty: tenured facultyJuly 1, 2018July 1, 2020

Matthew Borrego

Associate Professor
College of Pharmacy

faculty: tenured facultyJuly 1, 2018July 1, 2020

Karl Hinterbichler


faculty: tenured facultyJuly 1, 2018July 1, 2020

Ryan Swanson

Associate Professor
UC University Honors College

interim chair: January 1, 2020 to July 1, 2020
faculty: tenured facultyJuly 1, 2018July 1, 2021

Michael Rocca

Associate Professor
Political Science

chair: July 1, 2018 to July 1, 2019
chair: July 1, 2019 to July 1, 2020
chair: July 1, 2019 to July 1, 2021
faculty: facultyJuly 1, 2018July 1, 2021

Lindsay Smart

Clinician Ed - Assistant Professor
School of Medicine

faculty: facultyJuly 1, 2018July 1, 2021

Ann Gibson

Associate Professor
Health, Exercise & Sport Sciences

faculty: facultyJuly 1, 2018July 1, 2021

Gig Brummell

UNM Alumni Association

alumni: alumniJuly 1, 2018July 1, 2024

Mark Lasota

Health, Exercise & Sport Sciences

student: graduateJuly 1, 2017July 1, 2019

Janet L Poole

Pediatrics Occupational Therapy

faculty: tenured facultyJuly 1, 2017July 1, 2020

Jacqueline Hood

ASM Organizational Studies

faculty: tenured facultyJuly 1, 2017July 1, 2020

Eddie Nuñez

Athletics Director

ex-officio: director of athleticsJune 1, 2017

Amy Neel

Associate Professor
Speech and Hearing Sciences

ex-officio: faculty rep to ncaaJuly 17, 2014December 31, 2019

Janice A Ruggiero

Associate Athletic Director
Intercollegiate Athletics

ex-officio: director of womens athleticsJune 1, 2012February 2, 2022