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Faculty Senate

Per the Faculty Constitution and Faculty Senate Bylaws, the Faculty Senate's purpose is to provide University Faculty the right of review and action in regard to the following:

  • formulation of institutional aims;
  • creation of new colleges, schools, and departments and divisions;
  • major curricular changes and other matters which in the opinion of the President of the University or his delegate affect the institution as a whole;
  • requirements for admission, graduation, honors, and scholastic performance in general;
  • approval of candidates for degrees;
  • policies of appointment, dismissal, and promotion in academic rank;
  • research; and
  • general faculty welfare.


This section only shows meetings in the last 90 days and next 30 days.
View the full history on the meetings page

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Contact the Senate

Communications for the Faculty Senate are directed through the Office of the University Secretary:

Email address:
Email address to contact the current president directly:

Mailing address:
Office of the University Secretary
1 University of New Mexico
MSC05 3340
Albuquerque, NM 87131-0003


