Academic Calendar Error
- Determining the University academic calendar is an undoubted right of the Faculty;
- Since at least 1986, the University has adhered to a standard Fall calendar, defined by the following:
- Sixteen weeks of classes, with holidays at Labor Day (1 day), mid-semester break (2 days), and Thanksgiving (2 days), yielding fifteen weeks’ equivalent, or 15 class hours per course credit.
- Classes to begin on Monday, August 20-26, placing Thanksgiving (November 22-28) always in the fourteenth week;
- The calendar published in the current UNM catalogue, and recently amended by the Registrar’s office, departs from this schedule by beginning classes one week early, on August 19;
- This change seriously impacts faculty and students, cutting off a week from the summer and leaving only a single orphaned week of classes between Thanksgiving break and final exams;
- The altered calendar was clearly set by mistake, and without proper authority or approval;
- The administrative inconvenience of rectifying the error will be small compared to the massive inconvenience to faculty and students from allowing it to go uncorrected;
THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Faculty Senate: That Fall classes shall begin, according to the established calendar, on Monday, August 26.
Passed at
February 26, 2002 Senate meeting at , Scholes Hall Roberts Room (204)