ASUNM Proposal for review Week Prior to Finals Week
WHEREAS, The Associated Students of the University of New Mexico if the representative body for the undergraduate student body, AND;
WHEREAS, UNM students feel over extended learning new material, taking tests, and turning in large assignments in the fifteenth week of the semester, AND;
WHEREAS, Students need weekend to prepare for upcoming final exams, AND;
WHEREAS, In the spring 2003 ASUNM election, 95% of voting students favored a review period prior to finals week, AND;
WHEREAS, Students at other universities have already felt this time discrepancy, which has led to similar preparation periods at the respective institutions including, but not limited to, Oklahoma University, Portland University, University of Kansas, Pepperdine University, Indiana University, University of Colorado, University of Northern Colorado, Clemson University, Northwestern University, Texas A&M, Texas Tech, Brigham Young University, and Arizona State University.
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, the Saturday following the fifteenth week of the semester will no longer hold scheduled final exams.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, the finals previously held on the fifteenth Saturday will be rescheduled to the sixteenth week of the semester formally known as finals week.
Passed at
April 25, 2006 Senate meeting at , Scholes Hall Roberts Room (204)