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Regent Confirmation Hearing Resolution

WHEREAS the Faculty of the University of New Mexico on February 25, 2009 voted No Confidence in the President of the Board of Regents, James H. Koch and requested that Governor Bill Richardson withdraw his nomination of Mr. Koch to another term on the Board of Regents by a margin of 482 – 7, and

WHEREAS the HLC Accreditation report highlighted problems associated with the UNM BOR under the leadership of James H. Koch,

THEREFORE, be is resolved that the Faculty Senate of the University of New Mexico voice its opposition to the confirmation of James H. Koch to a second 6 year term on the UNM Board of Regents, and that the President of the Faculty Senate or his designated delegate represent these faculty concerns to the New Mexico Legislature by providing testimony to this effect at the Confirmation Hearing for the UNM Regents to be held by the New Mexico Senate Rules Committee during the 2010 Session of the New Mexico Legislature.

Passed at

January 26, 2010 Senate meeting at , Lobo Room (3037), Student Union Building