Diversity Council Strategic Action Plan
Whereas the Faculty Senate recognizes the central value of diversity in accomplishing the mission of the University of New Mexico and the importance of accessibility, inclusion, and equity in achieving excellence in education, research, and public service,
Be it resolved that the UNM Faculty Senate endorses the work of the Provost’s Diversity Council expressed in its report, “Diversity Council Framework for Strategic Action.”
Be it further resolved that the Faculty Senate makes the following recommendations to the Diversity Council regarding its plan for strategic action:
The report should include specific action items with measurable outcomes, timelines, and responsible parties;
The Diversity Council action plan should incorporate more organizations and groups on campus, including those with religious affiliations and international students, in order to broadly reflect diversity at UNM and have the greatest impact on student success ;
The plan should emphasize better coordination of existing resources and organizations on campus to accomplish diversity goals; and
The Diversity Council should continue collaborating with the Faculty Senate and its committees in order to accomplish diversity goals.
Passed at
April 23, 2013 Senate meeting at , Scholes Hall Roberts Room (204)