Revised Faculty Workload Resolution
FS resolution regarding teaching II
Whereas, the University of New Mexico is the flagship university of the State of New Mexico;
Whereas an increase in the actual amount of classroom teaching done by full-time faculty above its present level would significantly reduce the total amount of research done by faculty across the University;
Whereas the average teaching workload and total faculty workload in some colleges already exceed the minimum;
Whereas an increase in the actual amount of teaching for individual faculty due to an inflexible implementation of the official 3-3 teaching load would encourage many of the leading researchers of the University to seek positions elsewhere, and would make it difficult for the University to recruit quality scholars, scientists, and artists as new faculty;
Whereas an increase in teaching would affect the quality of attention faculty are able to devote to both undergraduates and graduate students,
Whereas the idea of a research university is that all faculty are teacher-scholars,
Whereas other public research universities, even in these difficult economic times, have not increased official teaching loads or the actual amount of teaching required of their faculty,
And whereas administrators (Deans and Provosts) of the recent past have observed a flexible and enlightened implementation of the Faculty Handbook teaching load policy so as to maximize the research of all faculty in all departments, the Faculty Senate of the University of New Mexico urges the Provost, the President, and the Regents of UNM not to take any steps, for any reasons, that would have the effect of increasing the amount of teaching done by full-time faculty above its present level.
Passed at
October 26, 2010 Senate meeting at , Scholes Hall Roberts Room (204)