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Study Abroad Resolution

WHEREAS international education in general and study abroad in particular are critical elements of the University’s academic mission, and

WHEREAS the success of study abroad and international education programs on campus currently depends upon coordination between an excessively dispersed set of programs and units including the Office of International Programs and Studies (OIPS); the Latin American and Iberian Institute (LAII); liaisons, committees, and task forces housed within Academic Affairs; the Vice President for Student Affairs; the International Studies Institute; and programs housed within individual academic units, and

WHEREAS the UNM Provost and Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs has announced plans to create a Study Abroad Office which could add an additional administrative unit relating to study abroad and international education,

THEREFORE, be it resolved that the Faculty Senate of the University of New Mexico create an ad hoc committee to propose a strategic plan for submission to the Provost by Summer 2011. The strategic plan would include recommendations for restructuring the organization of study abroad and international education programs in a manner that promotes academic excellence while containing costs

Passed at

March 22, 2011 Senate meeting at , Scholes Hall Roberts Room (204)